Saturday, September 28, 2013

Calendar Girl time

It's that time again.  Our hostess this month is Terry.  She supplied us with a fun sketch challenge from sweetandsassystamps.  Here is the link to the ongoing sketch challenge  


  1. Okay, that totally made me laugh!

    Very cute and fun card. I like how you paired the same type of papers with it.

  2. ahahahah....what a kick I got out of that image/ sentiment!! Very cute card Linda...thanks for the laughter too!♥

  3. LOL! That sentiment had me cracking up! The whole card is wonderful........... but the sentiment is the best part of it! Love it!!!

    Thanks for being a Calendar Girl!

  4. That image is just hoot! Love it. Great birthday card. It was a fun sketch that Terry gave us to use and you did a sweet card!

  5. This is so dang cute Linda....well done my friend...

  6. Ohhhhh....this image/sentiment made me smile!! I love the card and I love the border you used, makes me think of the pieces from the board game "Sorry".

    Speaking of Sorry.......I apologize for visiting so late!
